Published by Classwar Karaoke
May 31th, 2012
Various Artists
Published by Classwar Karaoke
May 31th, 2012
Various Artists
More infos :
Emphasis matters. Our occasions vie for this category. Believe it or stab out your own eyes. Elsewhere, underdog eats underdog eats underdog, in fits of datum ad nauseum and he said she said. Blinded or otherwise, what new abundance can we expect? ... arc of &C.? ... or Ought? ... or aegis above? ... or else analyst re. analyst, onward as format or onward as feature Geo_fill viz /sto?'kæst?k/ tschuss / pow? We should never give up. Only love satisfies. We feature in you as you. Direction is, therefore; just as love is, therefore; so much so that as above, so-so below. 110 agree, with 91 pieces of music and 26 short-films. Un-stab your eyes, as follows ...
01. 02_Elements '01'
02. 05_Elements '01'
03. 6 or 7 'Alter Ego Photographing'
04. Adrian Beentjes, David Cunliffe, Anthony Donovan and Hopek Quirin 'Epsilonia, Radio Libertaire, Paris, France 19.04.12'
05. Aka_bondage 'Ectoplasme 404'
06. Akoustik Timbre Frekuency 'Thee Door Is A Jar'
07. Alex Charles 'Layered Singing Bowl Study'
08. Andre Caputo, Noura Sanatian and Noel Taylor 'Clere Laude'
09. Anla Courtis 'Galictis DFHR'
10. anotherAntidote 'Pieces You Can't Sew'
11. Anthony and Substanshall 'Anthony and Substanshall'
12. Anthony Donovan and Clive Graham '12.08.2011'
13. Anthony Donovan and John Hyatt 'Art Speaks 2 (Gaze You Upon My Fix)'
14. Arcane Waves 'Inside The Stringed Box'
15. Astma feat. Anton Nikkila 'DOM'
16. Astrometria and Emma Gosnell 'Oh'
17. Ayato and Naoki Ishida 'Dérive'
18. Bob Blaize, Jeph Jerman and Travis Johnson 'Sky Bells'
19. Bob Ostertag with Fred Frith, Charles K. Noyes and Bryan Medwed 'In Tundra (edit)'
20. Buskerdroid feat. Pixyblink 'Soot (Pixyblink remix)'
21. Cagey House '15th Floor Adoration'
22. Carlos Groënland '30 Glorieuses'
23. Carlos Ramirez 'Urban Symphony'
24. Cave Dwellers 'Left Outside'
25. Chevo Légé 'Beaucoup d'Encre Sèche'
26. Chris Lynn 'Library Tea'
27. Coffin Boffin 'A Laing Story - More RD Than KD'
28. Crush!!! 'Some Remote, Control'
29. Daniel Heikalo 'Pentatonic Evening'
30. Daniel Spicer 'I Wish'
31. Daniel Thompson and Matt Chilton 'The Empty Wooden Chair'
32. David Fenech 'Moonlight Serenade'
33. Domestic Violence 'Tiny Bombs'
34. Elemental Noise 'Fractal Temperament'
35. Elizabeth Veldon 'Quasar'
36. Felipe Barbosa and Rosendo J. Rocha 'Intuite'
37. Felipe Barbosa 'In a Cage'
38. Friture Trio 'Cretin Bop'
39. Guy Harries 'Fire'
40. Hal McGee 'Monotrinity for Classwar Karaoke'
41. Iku Sakan 'Pfeiffrosch'
42. Jack Twang 'Senight'
43. Jared C. Balogh 'To Dream To Become'
44. Jealousy Party 'Fucked Primadonna'
45. John Jasnoch 'Uffam'
46. Joséphine Muller and Ian Linter 'Halo, Love'
47. Jurica Jelic 'Dogs Chant
48. Kalistongue 'Castoriadis At The Hop'
49. Kay Grant, Lol Coxhill and Olie Brice 'Rags and Bones'
50. Kecap Tuyul and Ayato 'Comin' Incognito'
51. Lil and Moonroom 'Miraculozoom'
52. Lode 'Domestic Suite'
53. Ludo Mich 'Moons Moons Moons'
54. MaCu 'Dimensions'
55. Marteau Mu 'La Femme A'
56. Miquel Parera 'nxH21-2012-05-08_04_24_28'
57. Murmurists 'Phosphene'
58. Oblivian Substanshall 'An evening with Oblivian Substanshall'
59. One Minute Wanda 'Cliffhanger'
60. Owl Brain Atlas 'The A is For Atom'
61. Paiburn 'Infinity'
62. Patrizia Mattioli 'Incoronazione'
63. Paulo Chagas 'Family Old Portrait'
64. Paulo Chagas and Wilhelm Matthies 'Freedom'
65. Paulo Chagas, Matthias Boss and Maresuke Okamoto 'The Decay of the Ice Flower'
66. Penates 'Deep in the house'
67. Pixyblink 'Farewell Unkind World'
68. Protecious and Lezet 'Funerals'
69. Qkcfose 'Wrong House'
70. Radio Eris 'Mortal'
71. Relentless 'Cesta Metal Workshop Part 1'
72. Roberto Lazzarino '11 Degrees Outdoor'
73. Ronny Wærnes 'Marone'
74. Rosendo J. Rocha 'Bricolage'
75. Shane Morris feat. Pixyblink 'Ruby Blood'
76. Snack Family 'Fetter The Same'
77. Sonvol '2-2012'
78. Sound Inhaler 'b.2012'
79. Stormhat 'Sometimes It's Cold and It's Colder
80. Supersoft (14-18) 'Un Pas Vers La Ré
81. The Bell Maker 'The Bell Maker'
82. Thomas Fernier 'Danses Obscènes'
83. Thomas Zunk '120515'
84. Thomas Zunk and Richard Lainhart 'Oraison 120423_2'
85. Trans Atlantic Rage 'Renewed Rivalry Vibrato'
86. undRess Beton 'The Unfiled parts 1-7'
87. Vor Onus 'RedU'
88. Vurt 'Crushedradio'
89. Weinberger 'Misery'
90. Zilmrah 'You Are Only Alive Defiled By Happiness'
91. Zreen Toyz 'The Ruins Of Kadatheron (Lovecraft Memories op.10)'

05_Elements : In spring 2012, I began inviting players whose work I
admire to contribute improvised parts towards a long-term project with
the working-title of 'Elements'. The intention was that each player
contributes in isolation, without any knowledge about the other players
taking part. After gathering a workable pool of these parts, I then
began composing with these elements - processing, editing and such like -
along with adding my own work. This is the first of these pieces,
comprised of myself and four players: 05_Elements_01. Improvisers: Paulo
Chagas, Anthony Donovan, David Fenech, Anton Mobin and Hopek Quirin /
Composer: Anthony Donovan.
Words by Anthony Donovan, May 2012.
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