Necktar 2017 Volume 4
[Theorie / Fusion / Practical = Revelation]
Various Artists
Total time : 11:50:00
Co-production Le Colibri Nécrophile , Earsheltering , H.A.K. Lo-Fi Record
Necktar 2017 Volume 4 [Theorie / Fusion / Practical = Revelation] from ed end on Vimeo.
Who has ever dreamed of knowing the future ?
Discover what is the future through
Necktar 2017
What is Necktar 2017 ?
A mere journey through time,
the great work of anachronistic alchemists,
the apiary of a network of precognitifs,
the magnetic murmur of a quantum flaw,
a vortex of antimatter annihilating all listeners' dogmas,
a dream above the Earth passing through the Unconscious,
a psychotropic meditation resetting the consciousness,
an early bud of the new era ...
The spectrum of possibilities has been further expanded.
Difficult to define Necktar 2017,
while the second cycle have just begun.
Currently it is a compilation
of hors norme (not normal) music for free sharing,
articulated in several thematic episodes and cycles.
For know what it will be ultimately,
unless we can travel through time,
it won't be until 2017.
The set of themes of volume 1 is
Real / Perception / Reality : Illusion.
The set of themes of volume 2 is
Random / Perception / Cycles : Reproduction.
The set of themes of volume 3 is
Macro / Perception / Micro : Evolution.
The set of themes of volume 4 is
Theory / Fusion / Practical : Revelation.
This volume is dedicated to
The Red Book of Carl G. Jung.
>>> N E C K T A R 2 0 1 7 - v o l u m e 4 <<<
* * *
To those who have contributed
to this Necktar by bringing their essence.
To those who have contributed to this Necktar
giving his meaning by listening.

000. FERALIMINAL TREMENS (Original Extended Recapitulation) / BLOOD RHYTHMS - 03.33.47
001. The dregs of humanity / Ethnomite Pux - 04.31
003. Upheaval (version 17 ) / Arvo Zylo - 5.09
005. -La vie, activité de la mort-1 / Wehwalt - 12.15
006. Arrivée / Charles premier - 4.39
007. L'avènement de l'ombre / DIE WAHRHEIT - 10.58
008. We've all walked this land before / Jecklin Floats - 7.54
009. Emerging Octopus / Andrew Lawrence Jackson - 3.08
010. Lost inside the poet's head / Jordan Johari Rais - 6.46
012. Ingenmansland (excerpt) /MUTATE - 4.15013. Sub-Concious / M.NOMIZED - 7.12
014. Instanti / :such: - 5.53
015. Pnakotic Fragment Revelations (Lovecraft Memories op.4) / Zreen Toyz - 6.50
016. A Trip To The Dentist Is Like A Date With The Tooth Fairy / Thee Virginal Brides - 3.18
017. Lùgubre / 7eventh 4loor - 3.52
018. Revelation + Revolution / Twin Realities Dreamers - 16.55
019. Black Lodge (Part 2) / LES MODULES ETRANGES - 0.59
020. Révélation Selon St Noiz / Ardleg - 2.37
021. Mass Voyeur / Trojan Horse Rotovator - 3.54
022. WHEN I WAS DEAD / Drunken C - 2.45
023. Popsong For The Alienated (Remix) / Blackula - 5.27
024. 1st a / Wiracki - 4.07
025. Oyaarss A La Holeage (Subkoks remix 2011) / Subkoks - 4.47
026. Genious (Flesh Eating Foundation Mix) / E-MEN - 5.10
027. Watching Stone Become Sand / Sinusal - 5.01
028. Document 3 / Clowns On Gas - 1.43
029. SYM / PO-8 - 1.52
030. Impulse / Clowns On Gas - 3.34
031. Ghost In My Own Life 3 / Andrew Lawrence Jackson - 2.44
032. Himpory / Underlapper - 1.30
033. LIGHT FASHION / Die Puppe - 3.31
034. Thunder, Perfect Mind / Whip Angels - 2.58
035. The Ridley Plan / Clutter - 6.40
036. Ouverture For That Day / Maile Colbert - 7.32
037. Les hommes tombent le sol brisé / Mescalibur - 11.33
038. Oblomovisme / Artoh - 3.11
039. Pyramidal Patterns / Berger Rond - 13.42
040. 02 Bed / Barbara Kirschenstein - 4.34
041. Cet homme est un monstre / BeNe GeSSeRiT - 3.37
042. Protomay Sessions (live) / Urbanoise - 19.00
043. Sweet Stubb Soul From Chicha part 1 / Yoshiwaku - 4.26
044. Internal affairs / Augustine Leudar - 5.52
045. Here's To Your Fuck, Frank. / Dr.Strangelove - 3.38
046. Intox / Anton Mobin - 5.35
047. Songs Of Praise 20-06-11 / Mariann Käfer - 10.29
048. XIII / Thanato Twist with Oleg's sound system - 6.27
049. Réveil nauséeux / Androvirus - 13.28
050. Chudlen arimana / Lunar Abyss Deus Organum - 16.25
051. Silence Wave number 11 / OresteS - 0.17
052. Days of sadness / FAGUS - 11.13
053. Anneliese, mon amour / Planetaldol - 6.04
054. uSin / 1KATHARSIX - 4.33
055. Ancient Rain Extract / Twin Realities Dreamers - 9.43
056. Acts of resistence in the face of evil / Brian Routh - 10.22
057. Burnin' / MatU Stone & Seiei Jack - 3.22
058. Alpha-Bete1 / Artoh - 1.52
059. From Spread to Revelation / Ben Presto - 1.47
060. REVELATION EXPRESS / K/(W)/A/Y - 5.27
061. hithathuthot / PO-8 - 3.15
062. Susan Matthews 'A Rhythmic Brutality' / Susan Matthews - 3.02
063. auTobAhn / 1KATHARSIX - 9.06
064. Prancing They Come / Madame B - 2.46
065. DRUJRTA [Isidore Go serra éveillé à V] / Wild Worm Web - 3.33
066. Sweet Stubb Soul From Chicha part 2 / Yoshiwaku - 10.48
068. Skullptur3 / MOSKAR3 - 4.44
069. Ron Paul Vs Bill O'Reilly Vs Subversive Intentions / Subversive Intentions - 10.00
070. Halo – Rise / Jake's snake pit - 3.02
071. Lid Vaalen / Lunar Abyss Deus Organum - 5.21
072. Tribute to Lone Zerkalo / Parrhesia Sound System - 10.30
073. Zoos / B.K. Ferris - 5.35
074. Hand Drawn / Rick Horton - 4.54
075. The Lord of Profit is the Lord of Death / Brian Routh - 13.14
076. Révélation Artificielle / Ayato - 2.01
077. Lazar Arzulie / Franck Schweitzer aka ZAMA - 3.35
078. Nothing here today / 2pingou1 - 4.55
079. Tetramorphe Hop / Twin Realities Dreamers - 2.46
080. VIRTUELLE+MENACE / Polymagoo Commando - 5.51

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