cd 6 > Anton Mobin & Rinus van Alebeek : "Phonecall"
Toujours sur ce fameux Netlabel qu'est JNN le N°100, est disponible, et toujours en libre téléchargement.
Pas moins de l'équivalent de 6 CD, (avec Anton Mobin, Ayato, Denis Mc Carty, Mystified, Mystahr, Thanato Twist Olegs Sound Sys, Rinus van Alebeek, ps, Astrowind, terje paulsen, Luís Antero, Dedxound, adamned.age, Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt, Subterminal, Megatone, Miquel Parera Jaques, Controlled Dissonance, Gabran, Palancar, Bob Dickinson, Joe Frawley, JFox, Altocumulus, C Reider, Gurdonark, Dzlav, My brother Daniel, Kevin Haller, Emerald Adrift, Danadax, Fosel, The Silence Bureau, Joe McMahon, usr/sbin, Kristus Kut, Kris Cadwell, Cezary Gapik, Candstandya, Juan Antonio Nieto, Voder, Jazznoize, Botong, Nigel Samways, Massimo Croce, Tubiliforme, Given Willingly, Bob Ohrum, Tyynyliina, 900Piesek, Paulo Chagas, Sceance Noire, Andrass Kiss, Tensor Sensellation, Batcheeba, Ariu Kara, Terra Engine, James McDougal, Measures, Philip Wilkerson, TozzRozz, v4w.nko, op.cit, Shane Morris & Muied Lumens, Somnaphon, Mudbug Noggins, Johann Merrich, Dave Seidel, Mono Poly, Carlos Suarez, Medmud, MPHM)
" At long last it is finaly here; the successor of no-r-mal the first edition. Almost a year later down the line, but highly improved and filled with more goodies. Started on April 25th I would never have thought that this would grow as big as it did. Many bulkloads of work went into getting this compilation album out there, but it is out there now!
71 artists, 71 tracks have turned into a 6 CD!!! compilation album making for over 7 hours of listening pleasure.
Today I give this to the world so that you may enjoy the sounds of some of the worlds great netlabel artists that all work somewhere in the field of experimental music.
Neatly organized into 6 different atmospheres: Warm voices, Dark places, Strange paces, Ca-dance, Art sounds and Outta here.
Take your own moment and meander through these tracks that have all been laboured with love!
Take your own moment and meander through these tracks that have all been laboured with love!
Thanks to Mark Stolk !!
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