Credits :
Photos by Aude François, Kopek Quirin (correctly mentioned as possible)
and Anton Mobin (when no mention)
Videos by Elena Ziegler, Kris Limbach and Nik Charalampidis
Audio journal by Anton Mobin, recorded in Berlin in February 2012.
Edited in Paris during the listening for a spontaneous report.
Posted on-line without authorization of the protagonists, because I consider that these recordings put nobody in danger, that each has knowledge of my activity of sound archiving and to finish, the microphone is never hidden but outstanding of all...
report in progress, completed day after day
I finally chose the S45, direction Oranienburger Strasse.
I couldn't remember this district of Berlin on the map but once out of the subway, I discover on surface a district rather "fashion", comparable to the Marais in Paris. Beautiful buildings and luxury shops.
I wondered if I was good on the right way ; we have to meet in a ""squat""
KuLe Theater
Audio/video night
Solo Pierce Warnecke - "Transitoire"
Duo Aude François & Mads Emil Nielsen
Trio Julian Bonequi, Anton Mobin & Kris Limbach
I finally found the place enlightened blue. Yes it looks like a squat. Right...
I analyse the wall of entrance and photograph some graffiti. We do not recover!
Then my eyes settle on the panel of the today's special to read to it: " this evening three things "...
Arff... "Things" begin badly. The term "thing" frightens and of more written in English let imagine that we are going to spend the evening with Mary Elizabeth Winstead or Joel Edgerton from the movie.
Finally not. Things were us...
KuLe looks definitively great ! As a little theater : certainly the decoration is of another time with a whole lot of object than you can find at your grandparent's or in a rent of chalet in winter sport, as the sculpture of interlaced horses, the Gothic candlestick or still the sheen in the shape of bovine harness...The old piano still working.
This gig is the first meeting for me with the mexican artist Julian Bonequi and also the first time for me playing with Kris Limbach, who, we shall see it later, has several ropes in his bow of which that to burn with the movie super8 in front of the projector so creating pictures of the most psychedelic!
Tonight : an unexpected trio with Julian Bonequi (Snare drum, voice, amplified garbage), Anton Mobin (Prepared chamber) & Kris Limbach (Visuals, super8 burning)
One microphone on the projector gone directly in my mixer, line 4

First meeting with Julian Bonequi.
What is better than to begin with an improvisation in concert !
Julian meets Kris also for the first time. It reminds me that "first time improvisation" is really the term which could define the best the beginning of H.A.K., ten years ago. It is exactly H.A.K. who connected us together through Audition records, Julian's label.
Photos Hopek Quirin & A. François

Visuals by Kris Limbach / Photos Aude François
Pierce Warnecke
"Transitoire"Pierce Warnecke is an american audio-visual artist living in Berlin since two years.
of maturity in its approach and its practice connected to the
manipulation of live microscopes. Textures are linked on dronic bottom,
the accelerations cut the retina and the sequence the ear from a
familiar universe and mastered ! A very beautiful performance!

Pierce Warnecke
Aude François is a french visual artist and Mads Emil Nielsen a young danish sound artist ultra motivated, that's a good first positive point ! Aude manipulates in the hand of collages, paper and diverse objects under the projector with a childish dexterity, a good dose of humor and the very graphic assemblies in movement. Mads, pronounced Mess, is behind a wall of old and new analog machines. Even today I have no opinion cut on the sound which I heard this evening there. It is possible that I like, sometimes, but it is possible as well as I cannot listen to this kind of electro rung music all the time...
Photos & Visuals by Aude François
All performances were pleasant !
Our trio was interesting for a first time together and visuals by Kris were really sensational. He pushed us upward !
Finally we leave all with smile (that's strange) and the same feeling...
We played at KuLe... That's all ! Nothing more...
There is a few weeks I wrote a short text on a Parisian place Udo Bar which did not offer me full satisfaction, I cannot pass by to tell in detail and according to my vision of the events, the end of the evening to KuLe.
Maybe we could expect more from our shows but i must admit that the conditions of KuLe are one of the most obscur i ever seen...
-tbc- i need more time to write... need historical elements
There is a few moments, I had the broom in hands. The same broom meets profoundly pushed in my KuL_a$s and I continue to smile and it is not the unique free beer which made me drunk! No, i laugh of this situation where we are all powerless, bewildered by this end of the evening.
Return in taxi with little change in pocket, thin booty...
A funny moment to discover my bed at Kris Limbach's place. Sweet bed with exactly the same braid as I have at home !
I like quite particularly these coincidences, these moments of giggle, consequently, the place seems to me very familiar.
I'm extremely please to spend more time with Kris at home...
Cool first chill out night, cloud of smoke and to speak English !
A very cold, rainy day...
But the ice is melting...
BEI ROYBut the ice is melting...
Recording session at Bei Roy with Julian Bonequi.
Recordings by Julian Bonequi
Julian Bonequi : Drum, voice, amplified, garbage
Anton Mobin : Prepared chamber, cassettes, objects
Quite the same trouble with my set up than the day before at KuLe.
Quite strange sensation that it doesn't work. I have no feeling with the box like an instrument. I can't do nothing serious so disturbed by the lake of power, the feedback around me as soon as i touch the amplified chamber.
I thought my box is a shit during maybe two hours...
Finally Julian was very comprehensive and extremely patient and solved the problem for the last forty minutes.
In which there's probably a good part to listen to.
But since this time, the cold invaded the room, the night had fallen and the electronics oozed the polarization...Quite difficult to stay concentrated, the place is too cold to play more.
Back home, I feel ill...
i n t e r n e t
s l e p t

Passage obligatoire at la boutique Staalplaat, say "hey" en français to Guillaume and acheter two cassettes :
- Sensible Nectar "Tectonic Grind" RB-056, with a big purple dick on the front cover
- Stefan Thut "am wind" Winds Measure 26, smart package for strange sound
We discuss to meet for an after-party at The zone, and finally not 'cause after the show described below, we stay in the studio until 6 am. Well, ahhh The Zone !!!! Another place on which it would be possible to write some words...
Next time, on se voit à Paris Guillaume !
at Emitter19
Photos by Nik Charalampidis
She Will Be Beautiful
Pierce Warnecke & Kris Limbach
Marta Zapparoli
Falafel, walk to eat
Watching the football match with Rinus at authentic Herthaner bar !
Bayern Munich / Schalke 04
2 : 0
Ribéry two times
Every detail is perfectly neat !
Freshly sprayed by Rinus van Alebeek ! Here the cassettes of "4 corners of the night" released on Staaltape !!!!More coming soon !
Recording session at Emitter19 with Pierce Warnecke & Kris Limbach.
Recordings by Kris Limbach
Pierce Warnecke : Objects, feedbacks, laptop as effects
Kris Limbach : Water, objects, cassettes, cymbals, percussions, rotors, feedback
Anton Mobin : Prepared chamber, cassettes, objects
I already played many times with Pierce as Appendicks duo together or two times for my radio show, but really the first time I'm playing with Kris Limbach ! I just saw Kris the day before performed with the same set up.
Kris and me already made sound together for IEAAP compilation.
Kris is an important person for me, the first german i met in Berlin in 2009 and Emitter19 the place i discovered !
Not directly, but thanks to Thomas Thiery who organised a Blank Page event at emitter and at this time i was on tour with Th-Th in Berlin, héhéhé with another band called NTH synthesis composed by Pierce Warnecke and Romain Serrate.
Hallo Thomas !
We played live in trio and recorded on multitrack a long form piece of one hour...
These recordings could be use as "sound materials" to edit, assembly, cut, mix to compose a(nother) piece...
Associated with my recordings made with a nagra during the sound check, the listening, discussions...
so... Excellent moment. It works together, good to know !
We leave all with the same sentiment : It was finally so short, too short...

A new one...
Freies Neukölln
Recording session at Emitter19 with Hopek Quirin and Kris Limbach.
Recordings by Kris Limbach
Hopek Quirin : Bass, effekts
Kris Limbach : Water, objects, cassettes, cymbals, percussions, rotors
Anton Mobin : Prepared chamber, cassettes, objects
Great peaceful time spent with Hopek and Kris, comfortably in the studio with Rothaus beers and chips !
Since one year or more, I meet Hopek in concerts, know him thanks to Classwar Karaoke. Fantastic to spend more cool time
Hopek Quirin will be in Paris at the end of April 2012, with Adrian Beentjes, Anthony Donovan, Ayato, ChevoLéger...)
stay tuned !

Hopek Quirin
Kris Limbach
Less of 3 hours of recording divided in three parts : A first long session with Hopek in duo. A short romantic piece in duo regarded what it worked before. And one hour long form piece, more radiophonic, in trio with Kris Limbach.
b a c k
s w e e t
h o m e
e a r l y
i n t h e
m o r n i n g
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